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Адрес | Helene Nuar Vip Bdsm, Ukraine, Kyiv, Sechevykh Strel'tsov 12, 04053 |
nuarelen@gmail.com | |
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I'm Helene Nuar. Pro-Mistress & Strapon Trainer. Based in Dubai. Helene Nuar-Bdsm on an individual scenario

Here some sketches from the practice of Mistress DUBAI HELENE NUAR. Sometimes I will publish my stories or stories of my fans, sometimes useful articles about different practices. Perhaps you also write stories of BDSM subjects? Send them to me on the mail with a note "bdsm stories" and they will be published here.
First time. (continued)
March 30, 2020
N.B. Enclosed in quarantine in a dwelling, I decided to continue the story. The inspiration for me was great people, for example, William Shakespeare - during the plague he wrote “King Lear” and “Macbeth” and Newton discovered gravity.
Well, try to continue ... First time. (continued) After I heard that the Mistress Helene Nuar put the glass on the floor, the Mistress got up and told me that she was leaving for the spa, but before I went to the place where I should be, I felt like a collar was fastened around my neck and clanged leash chain, I followed my Mistress Helene Nuar on my knees, after a while we were in the dungeon and I found myself in a cage. I saw that there was a notebook for notes on the floor. Mistress ordered me to record my assignments for today: 1.write on 100 sheets of notepad," I am the thing that belongs to Mistress Helene Nuar........(continuation follows )

Fetch my fan
November 4, 2017
We are deep in the grip of a heat wave and my Mistress is doing a photo and film shoot on what was the hottest day so far. Mistress was dressed in a heavy leather corset over the top of a beautiful purple dress and she looked absolutely stunning but it must also have been unbearably hot and humid as we were filming a number of heavy corporal punishment scenes. Ken is the partner and sub of Mistress Helene and he was the recipient of all the punishment in today’s filming. After each short film had been done Mistress Helene took a seat in a shaded area of the room a long way from the hot lights.‘
Fetch my fan slave’ Mistress Helene Nuar says at the end of the second film and the look on her face indicates that she is feeling the heat and this should have told Ken to be very careful what he said but his guard was down after a blissful whipping scene.
‘What did your last slave die of?’ Ken asks impertinently knowing as he was half way through the comment that it was exactly the wrong thing to say but it was too late to retract it. A flash of pure anger flashed across Mistress Helene’s face and quick as a flash she retorted.‘I flogged him to death and any more smart arse comments like that and you will be suffering the same fate now fetch me that fan and an iced drink slave before I change the next film from a caning one to the most savage form of CBT’.
With his metaphorical tail between his legs Ken scuttles off to the kitchen to get an iced glass of water for Mistress Helene and on his way back he picks up her fan presenting both to her from a crouched position which stretched his muscles irritating the welts decorating his back from the film just completed. Thankfully the after-effects of the spanking carried out in the first film had diminished which was what would be expected as my bottom was going to be the focus of the final film unless Mistress Helene carries out her threat to change it to CBT which would be Ken’s worst nightmare.
‘Thank you slave now you will fan me until the start of the final film and you are going to pay for your rank insolence both in this final film but more particularly when we return home’
Mistress Helene says much to Ken’s dismay although he wouldn’t expect anything different. While Ken was fanning Mistress Helene she was using her feet to toy with his balls which filled him with outright terror and soon enough it was time to start the final film which saw Ken returned to a position over the horse so that his bottom was presented but all went silent for a while.
‘Look what I have found in the studio slave’ Mistress Helene says joyfully as she crouches down in front of Ken who sees that the dress has gone leaving Mistress Helene resplendent in her corset only which is an absolutely stunning sight. Fearfully though Mistress Helene’s hands hold a humbler. The film started with Mistress Helene fitting this very tightly while explaining Ken’s insolence to the camera.‘As a result of his rank insolence Ken will just have to hope that I am kind and do not deliberately apply this heavy cane to his utterly defenceless balls’ Mistress Helene comments and Ken knows in his heart of hearts that it will happen all he can hope for is that it isn’t a full force stroke and that there aren’t too many of them. This fear makes Ken react to each of the strokes much more strongly than he normally would and just as he expected there was a stroke on his balls but it wasn’t at the full force that Mistress Helene could use but the scream that escaped Ken’s throat was the sharpest that he’d ever given and then the caning returned to Ken’s bottom and he could feel the blood spraying up onto his back as it often did when Mistress Helene played with him privately but this was a first for filming.‘And now just to ensure that my slave thinks twice before being insolent again
I am going to finish off this caning with a further six strokes to his balls’ Mistress Helene announces to the camera before delivering the six strokes quite hard and each was followed by the same shrill cry that had followed the first before Ken started pleading with Mistress Helene.‘Wow that was very hot slave, but you are still going to suffer for your insolence when we get home’ Mistress Helene whispers in my ear when she has released me from the block and pulled me into a hug.‘Thank you Mistress Helene and I am deeply sorry for my insolence’ Ken says quietly back into Mistress Helene’s ear.

Company town
October 17 , 2017
One company drove the economic wealth of my hometown because of its global strength and the sheer dominance that it had over the job market in the town. While I had left the town to attend university and had then worked in England for a few years taking advantage of connections that I had built up during my degree I was always on the lookout for a job in my hometown because I still loved the area. One of the reasons for my love of the area was that I had a real love of walking in the mountains and Perth was an ideal location for this passion but I had also been left my grandparents’ house in one of the surrounding villages and this house had lots of good memories for me so I was keen to get back to it.A position came up in the company that would be perfect for me as it was a development of my existing job and represented the next step up the career ladder that I wanted to take and which I knew I was ready to take. I applied for the position and got through the first interview to a more detailed selection board which included a presentation to the board members of the company and some job-related selection tests. It was an intense couple of days and during this interview the Head of Personnel told me that the company had a regime in place where any failure to meet performance targets or breaches of the disciplinary code could be dealt with by corporal punishment as opposed to losing your bonus or having any written records on your file. Although it wasn’t a compulsory scheme I got the sense that it would go against any candidate for a job who chose not to participate and I made it perfectly clear that I would be participating in this scheme should I be offered and accept the position.
They could use this sort of system because of the dominance they had over the job market in the area which meant that there were numerous applicants for every post and if you subsequently left the company you invariably left the area as well. I was offered the position at the end of the selection board and accepted the position confirming that I would be joining the corporal punishment scheme.I returned to my own company to work out my three months’ notice period and went straight to my boss who was not surprised that I had been offered the position and she asked me what it would take to make me stay with this company. Truthfully, I told her that my reasons for moving were because of the promotion and the responsibility that came with it, which my current employer wouldn’t be able to match, but also because I wanted to get back to my hometown so there is nothing that she could offer me to make me change my mind. I did tell her though that it had been an absolute pleasure working for her and if she wanted me to work out my notice then she could be sure that I would give her my very best efforts. As it happened I was put on a form of gardening leave for my notice period, which didn’t surprise me, but what did surprise me was the private consultancy project that my boss put my way for her own company. This project was an operational efficiency analysis for a small professional services company and it was a real pleasure to do and the results really pleased my boss and the company that I was working for giving me ideas for my long-term future.
As I was eventually leaving to move back to Scotland my former boss asked for my private contact details indicating that she might like to use me for future consultancy work and I was keen to develop this sideline so gave her my details. How such a sideline would go down with my new employers I didn’t know but it shouldn’t be too much of an issue as it would be in a completely different field from where my company operated so there could be no conflict of interest or competition.Having enrolled on the corporal punishment scheme a part of the induction process was to have an appointment with the Punishment Office where I would receive a practical demonstration of what I could expect should I need to be punished formally. This appointment was scheduled for 4.30pm on my first Friday and although I was nervous all that afternoon I didn’t let it show or let it worry me unduly which was one of my strong points. I found my way to the Punishment Office without any difficulty and was waiting patiently at the locked door for the Punishment Officer to arrive as the office was only staffed when needed.
I heard a pair of shoes striding purposefully down the corridor just around the corner from where I was standing and I sensed that this was the Punishment Officer coming for the introductory appointment. When the figure turned the corner, I got the shock of my life as it was someone that I knew very well and who knew me equally well. Helene had been my first girlfriend and we had gone out with each other for three years before Helene had ended it just before I went away to university. This had upset me at the time as I couldn’t see any reason for it but shortly after starting at university I started to go out with another girl so I quickly got over Helene.
Helene didn’t seem surprised to see me and she greeted me in a very professional manner before unlocking the door and leading me into the punishment room itself. It was a large room that seemed airy because of the sparseness of the furniture in the room. There was a desk in one corner of the room complete with a computer and two heavy chairs one behind and one in front of the desk. The only other significant piece of furniture in the room was a large wooden horse topped with a thick leather covered pad and adorned at various points with thick leather securing straps.
Arranged on the wall behind the desk were the instruments of correction and they included wooden and leather paddles, tawses, straps and a large selection of canes. What this meant that anyone who entered the room would be in absolutely no doubt as to what would be happening to them and would probably be quite fearful. I know that it certainly sent a shiver down my neck.Helene sat down behind the desk and motioned for me to sit down in front of the desk facing her. In a very formal and efficient tone Helene started to outline the practical operation of the policy to me.
Anyone participating in the scheme has their performance evaluated monthly against the performance targets enshrined in their bi -annual performance appraisal. If there is any failure to meet the standards then the Punishment Office is informed and they will input an appointment into the electronic diary that all staff must use. This appointment will detail the punishment that you will receive for the failure and the name of the Punishment Officer that will administer the punishment. Helene tells me that she is one of three Punishment Officers within the company and that they all have other roles within the company as well so it is entirely dependent upon availability as to who will administer the punishment.‘The purpose of this introductory punishment is to give you a practical example of what will happen any time that you receive a punishment appointment on your calendar. It is set at six strokes of the cane. Do you have any questions?’ Helene concluded.‘No Helene I do not have any questions’ I responded because I didn’t have any at that point.‘All punishments in this room are delivered on the bare bottom so you will now remove all of your clothes from the waist down, folding them neatly on your chair before going to stand by the punishment horse’.I followed this instruction and saw that Helene was watching me closely while I removed my trousers and boxer shorts before bending down to remove my socks giving her a view of my very tightly muscled bottom.
I walked calmly towards the horse and stood in front of it waiting. Helene gave me a moment or two to reflect and think before she stood up and walked over to me. She bent me over the horse and affixed straps tightly around my thighs, wrists and then around my waist which ensured that there was virtually no scope for movement on my part. These straps gave me a feeling of security but also nervousness because it suggested that the punishment was going to be very severe however I was also nervous because I didn’t want to belittle myself in the eyes of Helene having formerly had a relationship with her. Security from knowing that there was nothing that I could do other than accept the punishment.I was aware of Helene walking away from me once she had secured the straps but I didn’t sense her walking back towards me. I only knew that she was back with me when I felt her tapping the cane a couple of times on my bottom to get her aim. At this point I desperately wanted to look round to see her but I also didn’t want to see what was going to happen to me so I fixed my gaze on a point on the floor in front of me and kept it there. I was aware of the cane being drawn back and then heard it slicing the air on its descent towards my bottom which it then connected with very securely.
An immediate and sharp sting coursed through my body and I found out just how effective the restraining straps were because I tried to shake the sting from my bottom but it didn’t move at all. As my brain was trying to process the feelings from the stroke the second stroke cannoned into my bottom. This only intensified the sting but somehow it didn’t seem as bad as what my brain had anticipated and subconsciously I let out a little sigh. Helene interpreted this as a sigh of relief and she was largely correct in this interpretation.‘I should have realised that I would need to use a heavier cane to get through to you given how battered and bruised I used to see you after your rugby matches. Oh well I will rectify that mistake and we will see if this one makes more of an impression on you’.After collecting a different cane from the wall behind her desk I feel Helene tapping it on my bottom again and even with just these taps I could tell that it was thicker and heavier than the previous cane.
As it slashed through the air it had a much deeper tone to it and when it landed it did so with a much heavier impact. It almost seemed to be trying to push me forward against the bench when it landed but again I didn’t move so it just bit deeply and compressed the deep muscle tissue. This pain was closer to some of the impacts that I’d taken while playing rugby and was certainly something that I would respect. It drew a small gasp from my throat.‘That is more like the reaction we expect during our punishments. I will record on your punishment file that you need heavy implements was Helene’s comment.It certainly wasn’t the comment that I wanted to hear but it was said in such a matter of fact fashion that I realised that nothing I said or did would stop Helene from entering these details on my file. The fourth and fifth strokes were delivered with next to no time between them and it felt as if they had landed in the same spot and this really did give a deep pain.
Taking a pause before the final stroke Helene surveyed the target area and then delivered the hardest stroke of the lot across all her previous strokes and this drew a much sharper gasp from my throat.‘Ah ha that is a sound that I like to hear at the end of a punishment’ Helene said but I instinctively knew that if I’d reacted that way from the start it wouldn’t have made a difference to the level of punishment. Helene placed this cane on her desk by the first one and then worked her way around my body releasing the straps and when I was free she instructed me to stand up. As I stood up all the muscles in my bottom moved and this was painful.‘You may now get dressed Ken’ Helene said maintaining her business-like tone.‘Thank you, Helene’ I said and as I was getting dressed I looked at both of the canes and there was a noticeable difference in the thickness of them even as they were sitting on the desk. I wondered if my voice would have been strained or betrayed any anger at what Helene had done to me but it had neither inflection and indeed it seemed to have a tone of gratitude in it. As I was leaving the Punishment Office Helene stopped me at the door. ‘Can I have your number Ken?’ she asked and I happily gave her my personal mobile number.‘I will be in touch soon’ she said and I was not disappointed by that fact even though I had previously been upset with her when she dumped me.
I was still in the process of sorting out my house so didn’t go out that night. I got a surprise when Helene rang as I would have expected her to be out enjoying herself or out with a boyfriend.‘Can I come around and see you this evening Ken?’ she asked.‘Of course, you can Helene although the place is in a bit of a mess as I’m still renovating and decorating it’ I answered.‘That doesn’t matter Ken. What is your address?’‘I’m living in my grandparents’ old house’.‘Oh, I remember that place. It is a lovely house if I remember correctly’.‘Well it will be when I am finished doing it up’ I joke.About three -quarters of an hour later Helene turns up at the front door carrying a Chinese takeaway and a bottle of wine. I have greeted her at the door still holding the paint brush that I had been using in the back room which I was converting into a home office but I quickly got rid of it and led Helene through to the kitchen. We sat and ate the takeaway chatting away and catching up on what had happened in our lives since we had last seen each other which was about eight years ago.‘When I saw your name on the list of new staff and then saw that you had opted to be included in the corporal punishment scheme I was absolutely thrilled and made sure that I was available for your introductory appointment because I wanted to see you again to check that you were the person I thought that you were’.‘Thank you, Helene, that was nice of you. Was I the same person?’‘No, you are even fitter and more attractive than you were when we were going out at school’ Helene said with a smile on her face.‘Thank you. As soon as I saw you walking around the corner this afternoon I was taken right back to schooldays when I thought that you were easily the most attractive girl in the school and that thought hasn’t changed in the slightest. You are still absolutely gorgeous’ I said with as much of a smile. ‘So, what did you think of my performance under punishment?’‘I thought that it was amazing. I’ve never come across anyone who has taken the initial punishment with so little fear or reaction and I have recorded that fact on your punishment file so you can be sure that any punishments that you receive will be very hard’.‘Thank you’ I replied with a miffed tone of voice but the half smile on my face as I spoke told Helene that I was only joking and that she had done the right thing.‘I must say Helene that there was never a hint of this side to your personality when we were going out together so I am curious where it came from?’‘It wasn’t there when we were an item at school at least not that I was aware of anyhow but it came out very quickly after I dumped you. The lad that I went out with immediately after you treated me badly and was sleeping round with several his exes.
One of my girlfriends suggested that this would be one of the ways of dealing with the situation and I tried but he still didn’t change so in the end I dumped him but I had really enjoyed punishing him so when the company started the scheme I immediately put myself forward as a Punishment Officer as I knew that it would be a great opportunity to carry out punishments without having to reveal any of these feelings to any boyfriends if I didn’t think they would understand or appreciate them’ Helene said and I saw the opportunity to find out why she had dumped me.‘I’m so sorry to hear that you had a hard time immediately after you ended our relationship. You certainly deserved better than that’ I said sincerely as even though I was angry with her at that time no-one deserved that sort of treatment.‘I knew that the relationship was a mistake from the start because it was purely a rebound relationship.
I was very angry with myself for having dumped you. I dumped you because I was jealous that you were going to university and I wasn’t which was just spiteful on my behalf. To get over my anger I went for the first man that was available to me and have had a lot of unhappy relationships since then because deep down I knew that I had let you go and you were the only man I ever really wanted. I really hoped to get back with you but you never came back from university even at vacation times so I couldn’t even see you socially and start rebuilding even a friendship with you. It is a few years since I have even had a boyfriend and having seen you today my mistake was brought back into sharp focus and I would love to go out with you again but I understand if you are not prepared to take this step given how I treated you before but anyway I hope that there is no significant other in your life now just in case’.This had shocked me because I hadn’t realised the depth of feeling that Helene had harboured for me since she had broken up with me and even though it was a very stupid reason I could see where it had come from. I was also very surprised that she hadn’t had a boyfriend for a while because she really was gorgeous.‘When you dumped me I was very upset and angry with you because I couldn’t work out why you had done it but those feelings passed a very long time ago. I have had a few relationships since that time but none of them came close to what I felt for you when we were going out together but they certainly haven’t been as unhappy as yours have been by the sound of it. I haven’t been in a relationship for a while now and nothing would make me happier than to go out with you again’ I responded and was immediately enveloped in a hug and a kiss.‘This time I am not going to let you go’ Helene said very definitely.

First time
June 5 , 2017
I saw Mistress Helen in instagram about a month ago and was struck by her beauty. I started to comment and comment on all her photos. After several weeks I was sure that I had to see her, I wrote to her in WhatsApp and asked her whenever she could take me.... She invited me the next day.
I struggled to restrain myself, this day seemed to me an eternity. When at last it came tomorrow, I could not think of anything except Mistress Helen. Colleagues at work asked me if everything was ok with me, because I was hovering in the clouds, All I could think about was Misstress Helen.
After work, I went to her, and when she opened the door, I thought I would faint. In life she was even better. Then I heard her voice ..... my body was numb ...
Beautiful Mistress and the most beautiful voice .... I was in nirvana! She invited me to come in and I told her that this is my first experience with Mistress.
She laughed and said , So that I relax. But how could I relax, looking at her! Then she told me to take off my clothes and leave the room. After 10 minutes, after I undressed and showered, she returned. Looking into my eyes, she began to put on her hands long black gloves. I almost lost consciousness again. She was beautiful.
She told me that she remembers, about my desire to try strapon. She said she wants to change me and pointed to the black catsuit and mask that lay on the bed.
When I put all this on, Mistress Helene ordered me from this moment only my Mistress to address her, and I also had no right to do anything of my own free will.I did not know if it was good or bad for me, I just obeyed her will. And so I stood before the days obediently bowed my head and waited for orders. I felt that she slowly approached me from behind, caught the delicate fragrance of her perfume, her hand covered with a long glove of leather touched my erect penis, I was preparing to explode, she felt it and I heard her easy laugh. She ordered me to kneel down. Then she sat down in front of me and told me to take off her shoes and kiss her perfect feet.
When she enjoyed enough, her foot touched my face, then sank lower and I felt a touch to my penis. "A little pain for my obedient slave," my Mistress said and felt the clamps on her nipples. It was a strange and amazing sensation, pain and pleasure at the same time. Clips and remained on my nipples, a sense of pain and pleasure intensified. At this time, My Mistress held her foot on my stomach, then I felt her foot on my penis, I was ready to explode.
"It's not the time," said my Mistress, as if reading my thoughts. Then she ordered me to climb onto the bed and stand on all fours. Mistress pulled on a leather fetish medical glove and put on a finger some gel. Her skillful finger began to caress my anus, I felt the excitement begin to pulsate in me, in some new, previously unexplored areas of my body. She stopped and after a few seconds I felt that a small vibrator is now caressing my anus, now the excitement was already rolling in waves, rushing to carry me to nirvana. "That's it, my slut," said Mistress Helene.
"We will develop your hole, I will slowly and continuously enter into you until you can take any sizes" Then I heard that Mrs. gets a new toy for me. I felt the anal chain coming into me. A new inexplicable sensation-chain consisted of several anal balls of some kind of soft and elastic material.
Mistress Helene went up to my face and sharply hugged the whip lifted my head up. Then followed a slap in the face and the Mistress asked in a metallic voice whether I was ready to carry out all her orders. "Yes," I answered humbly. The lady ordered me to lie on my back on the bed and stood over me, her smile was adorable, tender puffy lips painted with scarlet lipstick scoffed at my helplessness. She pulled out her leg and her fingers began to play with a clip on my nipple, every touch gave a wave of pain .... She sat over my face and I could smell her spicy smell. It was divine .. She touched her pussy fingers and brought them to my face, began to smear her juice on my lips, then sat down on my face and tell to lick. I delighted in her bosom and immediately received a loud slap in the face: "You must lick gently, like a butterfly with a wing, your Mistress has a very delicate pussy," said Mistress Helen Nuar. I leveled out and tenderly pleased my Mistress, I lost track of time, I was in Paradise, her tender nectar dripped into my mouth ... After some time, I felt that my Mistress first tensed, and then the dugouts pierced her thighs .. orgasm ... she pushed herself and lay on the bed .. I was ordered to uncork the champagne, serve a glass of Mistress, kneel next to the bed and massage my Mistress's feet while she rest. I was happy to see how pleased and relaxed my Mistress, she was beautiful, reminded me of a wild panther after a successful hunt. She slowly sipped champagne, I massaged with pleasure the most beautiful feet in the world, the feet of my Mistress Helene Nuar. After a while I heard that Mistress had put down her glass (I could not see it, it was forbidden for me to look at my Mistress and, in general, to look up, without her permission) ............. (continuation follows ) 2.09.2017